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Cynthia Caillagh, LTM, CPM, LM, presents her wisdom and experience from having attended close to 600 vaginal breech births. Filmed at the 2018 Decorah Breech Workshop. 2hrs 14 mins.
In this 2-hour presentation, Drs. Freeze and Hayes analyze vaginal breech birth videos. The videos show both normal and abnormal breech births, including ones with trapped arms and heads. Some resolve spontaenously, while others require assistance.
Bringing together MFMs, OBs, family physicians, midwives, researchers, journalists, and human rights attorneys, the Madison Breech Conference conference examined how to make breech birth sustainable in any setting. CEUs included (18.75 hrs).
This lecture was presented at the 2023 Twins-Breech Conference in Louisville, KY, hosted by Dr. Nathan Riley of Beloved Holistics.
Podálica Pro es un curso de capacitación de pódalicas vaginales de 16 horas para médicos y parteras. Los temas incluyen evidencia, mecánica del nacimiento normal y anormal, maniobras, criterios de selección y entrenamiento con simulación.
Um curso de parto pélvico de 14,5 horas para médicos e parteiras. Os tópicos incluem revisão das evidências, parto pélvico normal e anormal, manobras verticais e supinas, critérios de seleção, simulações e sessões ao vivo. 1 ano de acesso.