Want hands-on practice?
We offer small group simulation training with full Covid-19 precautions.
1 year enrollment in Breech Pro 2.0 plus 1 year of live sessions (2x/month in English and 1x/month in Spanish). Live session recordings are also available. Breech Pro includes 14.5 continuing education hours (ACNM, ACM, & NZ Midwifery Council).
This is a gathering space for healthcare providers interested in starting a breech service via monthly live meetups (and recordings). Free of charge and open to anyone currently offering VBB in a hospital setting or interested in learning how!
If you have previously enrolled in Breech Pro 2.0 (or a translation), you can renew your access for 1 additional year, which includes twice-monthly live sessions and recordings. If you are enrolled in the original Breech Pro, you must purchase 2.0.
This lecture, sponsored by Project ECHO and the University of Utah, covers why training in vaginal breech birth is important and how normal vaginal breech birth works, from the emergence of the baby's buttocks until the birth of the head.
Questa lezione, sponsorizzata dal Progetto ECHO e dall'Università dello Utah, spiega perché è importante la formazione sul parto vaginale podalico e come funziona il parto vaginale podalico normale, dalla comparsa dei glutei del bambino fino alla nas
1 anno di iscrizione a Podalico Pro più 1 anno di sessioni live (2 volte al mese in inglese e 1 volta al mese in spagnolo). Sono disponibili anche registrazioni di sessioni live. Include ore di formazione continua.