Breech training & education courses
For birth professionals and parents
This lecture, sponsored by Project ECHO and the University of Utah, covers why training in vaginal breech birth is important and how normal vaginal breech birth works, from the emergence of the baby's buttocks until the birth of the head.
Questa lezione, sponsorizzata dal Progetto ECHO e dall'Università dello Utah, spiega perché è importante la formazione sul parto vaginale podalico e come funziona il parto vaginale podalico normale, dalla comparsa dei glutei del bambino fino alla nas
This is a gathering space for healthcare providers interested in starting a breech service via monthly live meetups (and recordings). Free of charge and open to anyone currently offering VBB in a hospital setting or interested in learning how!
1 year enrollment in Breech Pro 2.0 plus 1 year of live sessions (2x/month in English and 1x/month in Spanish). Live session recordings are also available. Breech Pro includes 14.5 continuing education hours (ACNM, ACM, & NZ Midwifery Council).
A 14.5-hr peer-reviewed breech training course. Topics include evidence on term breech, mechanics of normal & abnormal breech birth, upright & supine maneuvers, selection criteria, and simulation training. 1 yr access. Updated Jan 2024.
1 anno di iscrizione a Podalico Pro più 1 anno di sessioni live (2 volte al mese in inglese e 1 volta al mese in spagnolo). Sono disponibili anche registrazioni di sessioni live. Include ore di formazione continua.
1 año de inscripción en Podálica Pro (Breech Pro en español) más 1 año de sesiones en vivo (2 veces al mes en inglés y 1 vez al mes en español). También están disponibles grabaciones de sesiones en vivo. Incluye 14,5 horas de educación continua.
1 ano de inscrição no Pélvico Pro (Breech Pro em português) mais 1 ano de sessões ao vivo (2x/mês em inglês e 1x/mês em espanhol). Gravações de sessões ao vivo também estão disponíveis. Inclui 14,5 horas de educação continuada.
Ein 14,5 stündiges von Experten begutachtetes Training zur Steißgeburt. 1 Jahr lang Zugang zum Lerninhalt und zweimonatlichen live Sitzungen (via Internet).
If you have previously enrolled in Breech Pro (any language, any version), you can renew your access for 1 additional year, which includes twice-monthly live sessions and recordings. Original Breech Pro enrollments will be upgraded to Breech Pro 2.0.
Breech 101 is a course designed for parents, doulas, & CBEs. It covers the evidence on vaginal breech and explains how breech birth works. You'll also learn about maneuvers for getting breech babies unstuck. CEUs included (7.5 hrs). 1 year access.
8 hours of breech lectures by some of the world's most experienced breech providers: Stuart Fischbein, Larry Leeman, J. Peter O'Neill, and Cynthia Caillagh.
Learn how to make a foldable birth simulator with common parts and simple tools. Includes a printable pattern, parts/tools list, price estimates, written instructions, & a video tutorial. The simulator ajusts to standing, H&K, & supine positions.
This research update provides a comprehensive review of breech literature published in 2020. The course includes a 93-minute video that summarizes each publication, a reference list organized by topic, and the Powerpoint slides. 1.5 ACNM CEs.
Cynthia Caillagh, LTM, CPM, LM, presents her wisdom and experience from having attended close to 600 vaginal breech births. Filmed at the 2018 Decorah Breech Workshop. 2hrs 14 mins.